Daily Archives: March 19, 2018

Reorient model, farmers key

Economic Debate By Shivaji Sarkar The economic situation is complex. So is its understanding. India feels happy as macro data indicates an economic turnaround but...

Kudos to CM

Dear Editor, Recently, APPSC has issued notifications for Junior Engineer (JE) exam for various department. This remarkable feat was possible only due to the intervention...

Worsening network connectivity

Dear Editor, Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the worsening network connectivity...

Against relaxation of norms

Dear Editor, This is in response to AAPSU opposition to one time relaxation of norms for police officer’s promotion published on March 11. In this regard,...

Laudable move

Dear Editor, The recent initiative of the APPSC inviting application for various recruitment exams through online is highly laudable and need of the hour. This step is...