Girl… Oh Girl

—– Jumge Pale
Assistant professor,
Himalayan University, Itanagar

The place where I am smiling and enjoying right now The place where I am having fun I won’t be smiling and enjoying forever, at this same place Oh… Girl… Oh Girl…
I will be leaving this place
I will be swimming out, this enjoyable place, I am a girl… Leaving my parents’ arm with heavy heart Will I be happy or my life will be an ocean full of tear?
Oh….Girl… Oh Girl…
Heavy heartedly, I am ready to renounce my fathers’ unconditional love Renouncing my adorable mummy’s warm unceasing love Now, I am leaving off, although my heart cries out loud… I am filled with miseries; reluctant is my choice but … I am a girl left with no option… Oh… Girl… Oh Girl….
Sacrificing my loving-friends’ perpetual love… Sacrificing my relatives’ concerning affectionate love… Your, indelible and unforgettable faces will be cherished… Either, it would be source of comfort or source of my crying tears… Reminiscing of memories shall make me cry Oh… Girl… Oh Girl….