The country is bracing itself for the second phase of Bharat Bandh by dalit groups who are protesting against dilution of SC/ST atrocities act. Centre has issued an advisory to all states to take precautionary measures in view of calls on social media for “Bharat Bandh” tomorrow by some groups. The recent Supreme Court ruling banning immediate arrest of person accused of insulting or injuring a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe member has angered the community. The dalit alleged that SC ruling dilutes the provision of act and will not provide them protection.
On April 2, millions of Dalits took to the streets to protest the judgment of SC. During the first phase 6 dalit activists were allegedly killed by upper caste group. But so far police have not arrested anyone and this has further fueled the anger. Instead police in Hindi heartland are reportedly targeting dalit activists. In UP several BJP leaders from the community have alleged that police is targeting only dalit activists. These kinds of incident only affirm the belief that it is a herculean task for the community to seek justice and therefore there is need for strong SC/ST act. If indeed second phase of bharat bandh goes ahead respective state governments should make appropriate arrangements to prevent any untoward incident. Patrolling should be intensified at all the sensitive locations to prevent any loss of life or damage to property. Action should be taken without any discrimination against those who take law into their own hand.