The decision of the Supreme Court of India to dismiss a batch of petitions seeking an independent probe into the alleged mysterious death of special CBI judge BH Loya has divided opinions of the people of India. Justice Loya, who was hearing the Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case in which BJP President Amith Shah was named, had allegedly died of cardiac arrest in Nagpur on 1st December 2014 when he had gone to attend a wedding. Later Shah was acquitted by the judge who replaced justice Loya. Several people including family members of judge Loya had raised suspicion over nature of his death.
Congress termed decision of apex court as sad while BJP said it is victory of truth. While the political slugfest continues it is family member and close associates of judge Loya, who must be feeling defeated by this judgment. They wanted independent probe to make sure that there was no foul play. The Supreme Court has taken away that right by refusing independent probe. Also there is nothing wrong in carrying out an independent probe into mysterious death of Mr Loya. Such probe will clear any misgiving and truth will triumph. Today’s SC ruling has only deepened the crisis and has put up more questions over the death of judge Loya. It also raises big question mark over the independence of the judiciary.