Dear Editor,
Through your esteemed daily, I want to express my grievances towards the faulty working mechanism of our highly esteemed Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commision. When the new Chairman was appointed a few years ago, I hoped that all will be fine, but I was wrong. It is the same commission who never keep its words worth.
First of all, they should give a clear cut exam calendar so that the candidate should prepare accordingly.
Yeah, they had attempted to do the same but to no avail, and I still don’t know why that old meaningless exam calendar is still there in the commission’s website. Moreover, earlier they had scheduled the APPSCCE exam on April – May 2018 but they have notified the AE exam. Aren’t they aware of the fact that May is the exam month of all the universities?
On one hand they say final year students too can appear for the aforesaid exam and while on the other hand, they are denying this opportunity to many aspiring citizens by keeping exam on this month. How this constitutional body works is a puzzle unsolved. Keeping in mind that this exam would have long been over, but I still would like to put forth my view of postponing the exam for a few weeks to a month so that even final year appearing students can still write the exam with good preparation.
A citizen