Dear Editor,
We would like draw the attention of Deputy Commissioner and DDSE of Lower Subansiri towards the matter concerning schools of Ziro.
Some middle/secondary schools of Ziro are overcrowded with regular teachers and in some schools there are only 2-3 regular teachers. Not only this even in few middle schools, SSA teachers are in charge of school. But SSA teacher are always busy in strike , Dharna so, they are unable to give full time to their teaching duty and this has reflected in this year’s poor results of students. In some schools of Ziro, in particular class, not a single student has passed!
We would also like to draw the attention of DDSE that in many defunct SSA primary schools in Ziro, very senior regular J/T are posted, which is illegal because JTs are supposed to teach in middle schools.
If Govt and district administration are really serious to improve the education scenario of Ziro, regular teachers from defunct primary schools should be transferred to schools where there are lower number of regular teachers ,especially in middle schools and also from where there is excess regular teachers.
New session will start from 1st June 2018, so authority has plenty of time for paper works and do the need full in this regard.
I appeal for equal proportion of regular and SSA teachers in schools of Ziro.