Daily Archives: July 19, 2018

Disaster awareness prog at Riga organized

PANGIN, Jul 18: The third day of the series of awareness programmes on disaster management and preparedness organized by the District Disaster Management Authority...

Union condemns Assam police for obstructing Rebia’s visit

ITANAGAR, Jul 18: The All Papum Pare District Border Students' Union (APPDBSU) has condemned the Assam police and administration for preventing Environment & Forests...

Sensitization cum orientation workshop on NTCP held

ROING, Jul 18: A district level sensitization cum orientation workshop on National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) and Tobacco Control Laws (COTPA, 2003), for district...

Better higher education?

HECI Bill By Dhurjati Mukherjee There is much debate regarding improving higher education in the country. Academic scholars and educationists have expressed concern about standards and...