Dear Editor,
The drama surrounding the APPCSE through the past several months has engulfed all; the freshers, second timers, in service aspirants like a wild fire. All of those who have been preparing for the esteemed ‘not so esteemed now’ exam have been going through mental stress & agony of confusion and frustration. Each of them reciprocating in their own way vented against APPSCE, freshers aghast and shocked at the Pandora of dismal events unfolding, in service candidates juggling their life between job, family and humongous syllabus have already exhausted their leave.
Try as best to stay away from the controversy and concentrate on studies as you may but Kambakth shanti se padhne bhi nahi dete as one of my fellow aspirant said to me. What is more sad is the division among prelims qualified candidates all because of plethora of irrational behavior and unappologising attitude from such a institution and indecisiveness from the esteemed court. With two days remaining for the exam and the case still pending; Why is every one being mum and an audience to this nonsense. Parents, relatives, aspirant’s hopes are being crushed and stamped upon. APPCS has become a blotch which no one is willing to clean up. The irony of the situation instead of slogging and studying for day after tommorow’s exam I am venting out my anger and frustration writing this article. Whether exam happens on time or not, whomsoever the judgement favours we are all losers in this.
A citizen