Caught between court and Commission

Dear Editor,
This mains will be written with bucketfull of doubts and apprehensions. Without giving any concrete decision and refusing to stay the exam, the court has signalled for the mains to commence.Well,the case has not been decided completely but APCS secretary (read khandu govt.)is obstinate to conduct the mains even though the matter is subjudice. Whatever may be their intentions or agendas they should see that aspirants appearing for the mains should get justice. By justice I mean any future court decision should not have any retrospective effects negatively on the exam results,if the APCS loses this case in future.But we know APCS members are too insensitive and callous to heed any genuine sentiments nor be receptive to any positive ideas.Their sense of duty is not towards the aspirants and public but in seeing their illogic stubborness come into fruition.
But being helpless in between the court’s indecisiveness and Govt’s stubbornness, I can only take refuge in bhagvat gita’s sloka-“karmanyewadhikaraste ma fhalesu kadhachana.” (your duty is to work not worry about the results).