Daily Archives: November 23, 2018

Senior citizens lead SBA

Correspondent DUMPORIJO, Nov 22: A group of senior citizens, led by public leader Rode Bui and former MLA Larbin Nasi, along with others carried...

SVEEP awareness prog held

ROING, Nov 22: Students of Jomin Tayeng Government Model Degree College (JTGMDC) here benefitted from an awareness programme on systematic voter's education and electoral...

Is demand for postponement of APPSCE mains 2017-18 justified?

Dear Editor, People have criticized those who are protesting now for the immediate cancellation of APPSCCE mains exam 2017-18 for their initial demand of postponement...

Lives affected due to the commission

Dear Editor, As an onlooker of the APPSCCE mains fiasco, whose brother could not appear for his exams in Kingcup due to no fault of...

Differing opinions and intentions

Dear Editor, In the pandemonium regarding the State Civil Service Exams, many different groups have voiced their opinions. However, there are those like me who...

Improve network

Dear Editor, May I appeal to the higher authority of Airtel & Vodafone to look into network problem at Watte area which includes Neking ,...