Blacked-necked Crane at Chug Valley: Dialogue on first sighting

Dear Editor
This is in response to Tim Bodt’s article which was published on 7th of December regarding the sighting of Black-necked cranes in Chut Valley.
Still, I stand by whatever I have written earlier.
Being a scientist or ornithologist, Dr. Tim Bodt may also know that until and unless a finding is presented before appropriate platform for scrutiny or published in journals having at least three peer review stages, information is not considered as authentic.
Our sighting of Vulnerable (VU) Black-necked Crane was converted in to manuscript and submitted to BirdingAsia published by Oriental Bird Club from UK. It is accepted and likely to come in December, 2018 issue (http:/ Once it’s out, it will be available online and will be accessible from anywhere in the world.
However, if there ia conclusive documents for sighting of the Black-necked Crane in Chug Valley earlier to 2016, he is welcome to submit it to us, so that, together, we can make it a scientific publication or publish the finding in journals dedicated to birds or presented before appropriate forum.
It is not a water tight issue, always there is room for amendment, even possible after many years.
Through your esteem daily, I would like to request Tim Botd to forward a Xerox hard/soft copy of the article on Black-necked Crane which was published in Look East Spark as I’m not able to access it. If it is a reviewed by peers, i.e. fellow ornithologists, surely it will stand and will be accepted by ornithologists world, else, condition and criteria are clear and same for all.
However, I’m happy with the constructive dialogue between me and Tim as such sort of discussion and dialogue is important for consolidating a fact. Also, I express my gratitude to ‘The Arunachal Times’ through which the dialogue was possible.
Dr. Daniel Mize