ITANAGAR, Feb 19: Chief Minister Pema Khandu launched the satellite-based monitoring and geo-tagging portal for all projects executed under the state government, and laid the foundation of a ‘Zen garden’ at the civil secretariat here on Tuesday.
The CM also held an interactive session with the employees of the civil secretariat and the directorate offices, during which he handed over letters of appreciation and cash prizes to 99 awardees from different departments and the civil secretariat in recognition of their meritorious services.
“I understand that the government employees have the desire to perform, and I promise to provide the right kind of leadership, so that they can give their best,” said Khandu.
He said the employees are “like the engine of the government. If they fail, the whole machinery will fail.”
Khandu gave assurance that he would take all possible measures for the welfare of the government employees as long as he is in the CM’s chair.
“The state government will leave no stone unturned for the welfare of its employees,” he said, and assured that the demands submitted by them would be met gradually.
The CM also enumerated the measures taken for the state government employees, such as TLA allowance, enhancement of retirement age, implementation of the 7th CPC recommendations, and other welfare steps.
Urging the employees to help the government in building a better system, he said “if the system is not corrected today, then we have to face the brunt of our inaction.”
The chief minister congratulated the finance and planning department and the state remote sensing department on the successful execution of the project for geo-tagging and satellite monitoring.
“Satellite monitoring will bring transparency and better accountability, check corruption, and enable effective and quick decision-making,” he said.
Chief Secretary Satya Gopal, who was also present, urged the government employees to “work tirelessly in public interest until the goal of inclusive growth and development is achieved.”
Among others, RWD Minister Bamang Felix, WRD Minister Kamlung Mossang, and DGP SBK Singh were present. (CMO)