Dear Editor,
APPSC has declared that their intention is clear and that they will take this fiasco to higher court if verdict goes against them, according to a report in your daily. The Commission further added that they have taken enough measures to address all the concern of the aspirants and gone ahead with the exam which is lie.
It is noteworthy to mention here that before the commencement of mains exam, the Commission had declared in their affidavit that indeed there were 64 questions which were out of syllabus. Furthermore, the Commission itself had also declared that their staffs had provided wrong answer keys in the OMR sheet.
Every State Public Service Commission of India is “Guardian” of merits. We expected that the Commission would maintain and protect the sanctity of the most sacred institution of recruiting agency of the state. Instead they are gearing up to drag the deprived aspirants to the higher court.
How can we forget the most shocking blunder of the Commission when it declared the second prelims results on 16 August (where 76 candidates from geography ‘C’ series qualified); which was in violation of Clause 11 of Schedule 2 of the APPSCCE Rules 2001, as the commission could apply this schedule only before declaration of the result. The confession and acceptance of the APPSC Secretary openly before the media, public and aspirant about their mistake were enough for the Government of Arunachal Pradesh to take any action but nothing happened.
Today public is witnessing how a powerful Commission is crushing poor deprived aspirants underneath their feet by taking advantage of constitutional machinery. The APPSC knows that our country’s legal system has lots of loopholes. The Commission knows our financial strain and in long legal battle the Commission will have upper hand.
The errors in question were not spotted only on one subject but errors were found in many optional papers like law, history, geography, public administration, civil engineering, philosophy. The geography and law optional papers had several questions from the NET (JRF) exam-2014. It is clearly mentioned in page number 9 (Nine) of the APPSC Prospectus that “the standard and syllabi of the subject are approximately those of degree level course of the Indian Universities”. Hence, the questions which were taken from NET (JRF) 2014 were of Post Graduate standards.
Article 14 of the Constitution of India reads as under: “The state shall not deny any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India” but the fact of the matter is that unless we have money and influence, we are less likely to get justice. For legal expense we have used all of our pocket money and on other hand the commission is using public exchequer as their resources. Consequently, they will lose nothing even if they lose the case in lower court; for they will drag us again in the higher court. God save us!!
Poor deprived aspirants