Dear Editor,
The written exam for JE, Civil is scheduled on 8th and 9th June. This is the first time APPSC will conduct JE exam after the State Govt’s decision last year.
The recruitment of JE, civil has been very notorious and controversial in all departments. Use of mobile and Internet in exam hall, cheating in groups, hiring expert agents, leakage of question papers within first half hour of exam in watsapp group or Facebook etc. Also there are instances of abuse and assaults on invigilators by candidates. And no words for illegality in departmental procedures. In this way, a diploma holder from small institute used to outperform degree toppers from renown Universities across India.
After Govt’s decision to handover recruitment of JE to APPSC, a ray of hope came to all poor, honest and hardworking candidates. It is now duty of the commission to control unfair means and ensure fair competition. The commission could have adopted screening test in order to conduct final exam in the commission hall only. Shutting of Internet during exam hours is the best solution for such an exam. Capital administration is also requested to provide adequate security.
Furthermore, it is disheartening to learn that the commission has excluded JE posts from department of RWD. It was earlier notified by commission that addition of these posts will be subjected to outcome of court case. Was the matter put up to the Govt? It is like conceding defeat to few corrupts. Please don’t bow down to few corrupts. Everyone knows how RWD conduct its departmental exams. Hope for justice from commission and the Govt.
A candidate