Countdown for UD dept

For a department that has gained notoriety for not finishing projects on time, it will be huge challenge for the urban development (UD) department to complete all ongoing projects within the capital complex by the end of November as instructed by minister Kamlung Mossang. Most of the projects under the UD, like the MLA cottage in Chimpu, the senior officers’ flats at Zoo Road, the interstate truck terminal in Lekhi, and the outdoor sports stadium in Yupia, have missed several deadlines. This has led to cost escalation and delayed the projects. Even the interstate bus terminal (ISBT) was completed after much hue and cry by the public.
Keeping this in mind, the challenge put forward by minister Kamlung Mossang to his officials will not be easy. Now it is upto the officials of the UD department to ensure that the instruction of the minister is respected and they complete all the projects within the capital complex by November this year as instructed by minister. All the projects, especially the interstate truck terminal, the senior officers’ flats and the outdoor stadium, are of utmost importance. Arunachal Pradesh is aspiring to hold national games in the state. However, the lack of proper stadiums is a big stumbling block. The outdoor stadium in Yupia can be a solution to this problem. With a capacity to hold 15000 people, it will be the biggest stadium of the state. This state-of-the-art stadium, once completed, will be an asset for the state and can be used to hold several important sporting events. The whole state will be waiting to see whether the UD department complies with the instruction of the minister and completes all the projects by November. The countdown begins now.