The atrocities unleashed by the Delhi Police on students of Jamia Millia Islamia in Delhi are condemnable in every sense. The police entered into the hostels, including the girls’ hostel, and the library building to brutally assault the students. Now report has emerged some of the students were fired upon and are currently undergoing treatment in various hospitals. The police brutality was caught on camera and has shocked the whole nation. The attack has sparked off protests by students across the country, from the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) to the IIT Madras. Clashes took place at the AMU too between police and students. However, it was the very nature of the assault on the students of Jamia that shocked the conscience of the nation.
They were protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). Many of the students who were tortured by the police did not even participate in the protest. The police have no right to enter into a campus without seeking permission from the authorities. Ever since the BJP government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi took charge of the nation, there have been repeated assaults on universities across the nation. JNU and the Hyderabad University have borne the brunt of the excessiveness unleashed by the present regime. In their attempt to control the universities, the present regime is going to an extreme level. In the process they are angering the student communities. Today, the country’s economy is down and there is no job in the market. The students are deeply frustrated with the situation. Instead of helping the student communities, the government is unleashing atrocities on them.