Religious intolerance

Recently a group of former IAS officers including former National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon, former Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao and former Adviser to the Prime Minister TKA Nair wrote a letter expressing concern over the growing case of religious intolerance in Uttar Pradesh, the country’s largest populated state. Ever since Yogi Adityanath led BJP government came to power in UP, the state is witnessing an increase in hostility against minorities. The recent passing of a controversial anti-conversion ordinance has further complicated the matter for minorities. Many instances of Muslim youths being randomly arrested and put behind the bar using this new ordinance is being reported.
Today UP has become the epicentre of politics of hate, division and bigotry. On a daily basis the incidents of minorities being harassed and targeted are reported. The Muslims are the worst sufferers. The Love Jihad bogey is often used to target the Muslim men marrying the Hindu women. Once known for the peaceful coexistence of various communities today UP is going through a difficult period. The era of Hindu-Muslim unity is slowly erasing which is a sad development. Even after the Babri Masjid demolition, the relation between two major communities had remained peaceful. However, the situation has drastically changed in the last few years. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is playing a dangerous politics by completely marginalizing the Muslim community which makes major chunk of population in the state. The move will have a massive impact in the long run.