Daily Archives: June 24, 2021

Covid-19 vaccination maha abhiyan launched in Lohit

TEZU, 23 Jun: Lohit Deputy Commissioner Marge Sora launched the 'Tika maha abhiyan' for Covid-19 vaccination in the district on 21 June. Later, in a...

Women priests in temples

Gender Equality By DrS.Saraswathi (Former Director, ICSSR, New Delhi) In the midst of our fight against Covid-19 and the fear of third wave in a few weeks...

Conduct viva-voce

Editor, I would like to appeal to the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission to conduct the viva-voce of Field Investigator under the Department of Economics...

Irresponsible and ambiguous feminism

Editor You recently published an opinion piece on ‘Responsible feminism’. I was so intrigued by the title itself that I thought I was in for...

Declare the APPSCCE 2020 mains results

Editor, I am writing this article to request the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission to kindly declare the APPSCCE 2020 mains results. While preparing for this...

Conduct the examination of Sr PA

Editor, I would like to ask the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) the reason behind the delay in conducting the examination of Senior Personal...