Today is the 10th anniversary of the gruesome rape and murder of Nirbhaya, which shook the country and triggered a strict new legislation dealing with crimes against women. It was in the month of December 2012 that Nirbhaya was raped by four brutal men on the streets of New Delhi. Ten years on, little has changed as heinous crimes against women have increased across the country. The judiciary is still flooded with cases of crimes against women. In many cases, courts have even sent the rapists to the gallows, which is the ultimate punishment.
But the situation has not changed much and still women in India do not feel safe at all. A sexual assault is a sexual assault. There are no ifs and buts. Outraging a woman’s modesty is the most inhuman act that is unleashed not just on her physical body but also on her psyche. Still, women are suffering and the nation has failed to make the country safe for them. Daily reports of cruelty against women are reported from across the country. Even in Arunachal, crimes against women have increased in recent years. Also, most people aren’t aware of the strict legislation brought in for the safety of women and even the Nirbhaya Fund, which was started after the gruesome 2012 rape-murder. Sadly, even now, women fear venturing out of their homes after 9 pm.