Long-term plan for water supply in capital needed 

With the main water supply pipeline which supplies water to most parts of Itanagar being damaged near Poma village in Sangdupota circle, the major part of the capital remains without drinking water. The PHED is supplying water through tankers. The officials of the department have warned that it may take one month to restore the damaged pipeline, and that people have to manage by even using rainwater. Every year during monsoon the Poma water pipeline gets damaged due to heavy rainfall and the citizens suffer a lot.

This total dependence on a single water supply line to provide drinking water to major parts of Itanagar needs to change. At present, apart from Poma, some parts receive water supply from the Senki source. But as the population is growing, the demand is also increasing. It is time the state government started looking for a new source to supply drinking water to Itanagar. To meet the growing need of the burgeoning population, the state government should make a long-term plan. The Poma and the Senki water supply lines are not enough to meet the demands of the citizens.