Need for united front to tackle child labour

A report compiled by Games24x7 and the Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation on child trafficking has found that 80% of the rescued children are in the age group of 13 to 18 years.
According to the report, 13% of the rescued children were in the age group of 9 to 12 years, while a small group of children rescued were those who were even younger than 5 years old.
The data further shows that the three main sectors which employed child labour are hotels and dhabas (15.6%), followed by transport industry (13%), and garments (11.18%).
With data available, it should not be too difficult for the government and organisations to come up with measures and interventions that would minimise child trafficking and child labour. The vulnerable population needs to be identified and protected.
There are policies and laws to protect the children. However, they remain victims of trafficking and child labour, which points at poor implementation. The authorities must ponder and plug the loopholes in the system, so that it’s safer for children.
The schools, the municipality, the police and various arms of the government need to work together with communities to eradicate child trafficking. It cannot be done overnight, but it is not entirely an impossible task either.