In a tragic accident recently, three members of a family from Assam were swept away by the strong currents of the Lohit river at Parshuram Kund. Manoj Sah, of Kakopathar in Assam’s Tinsukia district, along with his wife Shobha Devi and mother-in-law Lilavati Devi were swept away by the strong currents of the river when they were bathing. Every year, during the summer season, reports of people being swept away by rivers keep pouring in from various parts of the state. Even in the Itanagar Capital Region, rivers like the Senki and the Pare become death zones during the summer.
People often go to the rivers to escape from the scorching summer. But they underestimate the power of these rivers and unfortunately end up losing lives. There is a greater need for wide publicity to educate people about the danger posed while bathing in these rivers. Despite so many reports of people dying, the government has never initiated any concrete steps to try to educate people. People coming from outside the state are prone to being swept away while swimming. They are not aware of the danger posed by these rivers. The locals should be made partners in this regard as they have better knowledge.