Request for a separate district


Tuting, an ADC post in Upper Siang district, accommodates a population of over 13,000, distributed across five circles: Gelling, Singa, Migging, Palling, and Tuting.

The challenges faced by the residents are manifold. The administrative hub, Yingkiong, located 150 kms away, poses a logistical nightmare for official matters. Basic amenities such as healthcare and education are compromised due to the distant proximity to essential services. Even in the face of government initiatives, uncertainty clouds the reach of these schemes to the last individual in the queue.

Furthermore, the scarcity of administrative staff, exemplified by only two circle officers for five circles, hampers effective governance, especially in the remote areas.

Road infrastructure, a lifeline for any region’s development, remains severely lacking. The inadequate road facilities exacerbate the daily struggles faced by the residents, hindering both connectivity and progress.

Tuting, located in a sensitive border area, yearns for the spotlight it deserves.

I fervently hope for the government’s intervention. A separate district status would not only alleviate the burden of arduous travel for official matters but also enhance accessibility to crucial services like healthcare and education.

Moreover, it would facilitate more streamlined and effective implementation of government schemes, ensuring that their benefits reach every corner of the region. The creation of a separate district stands as a beacon of hope, promising a brighter, more prosperous future for the resilient people of Tuting.

Aggrieved folk,

Tuting, Upper SiangĀ