Chief Minister Pema Khandu while attending the final day of the Arunachal Literature Festival (ALF) proposed establishing a ‘writers’ village’, “somewhere suitable in Arunachal Pradesh,” in order to provide the perfect ambience to writers, artistes, researchers and creative minds. This is a very encouraging announcement. The establishment of a writer’s village can revolutionise the literary field in the state. Even though they are full of talent, the writers of the state are still finding their feet. Under the guidance of the Arunachal Pradesh Literary Society (APLS), attempts are being made to give space and to extend support to the budding writers of the state.
The ALF is also part of this initiative. This year more than 50 renowned and budding authors and poets from across the country, including from Arunachal, attended the festival. Some of the big names this year were Anand Neelakanthan, Kavita Kane, Preethi Shenoy, Asgar Wajahat, Mahesh Dattani, Janice Pariat, and Anuja Chandramouli. With each passing year, the ALF is becoming very popular among the masses. People turn up in huge numbers to attend this festival. However, like any other festival, the ALF can also be improved upon.