Support ‘vocal for local’ initiative 

The ongoing Sale of Articles of Rural Artisans Society (SARAS) Mela, being organised by the Arunachal State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ArSRLM) at IG Park, Itanagar, is witnessing poor turnout of visitors. The members of self-help groups (SHG) from various districts of the state who are participating in the mela have expressed sadness over the poor footfall. The ArSRLM, which is organising the mela, perhaps did not properly advertise it, due to which many are not aware. As the information did not percolate to the wider public, the turnout is poor.

The SARAS Mela is a very good initiative to support the SHGs to sell their products. The participants have come from various parts of the state to the state capital. It is so heartening to see them enthusiastically participating in the mela to showcase their products. People should visit the mela and extend support to the ‘vocal for local’ initiative by buying their products. Learning from this, in future, the ArSRLM should generate wide publicity before organising the SARAS Mela. Large-scale publicity campaign will generate awareness and also interest among the masses. This will help the SHGs to attract customers.