Take steps to bring back MoRTH RO to Itanagar

The ministry of road, transport & highways’ (MoRTH) decision to shift its regional office (RO) from Itanagar to Tezpur in Assam, citing forcible collection of donations by various unions and associations, has brought shame to the entire state. The MoRTH has alleged that members of such groups visit their office and interfere with day to day functions. Replying to a complaint filed by All Arunachal Contractors Welfare Association (AACWA) president Nabam Akin regarding the shifting of the RO, the ministry claimed that it decided to take the step “due to such unfortunate incidents.” The MoRTH has made very serious allegations and the state government should look into it seriously.

The state government should immediately constitute an enquiry committee and investigate the matter. If indeed the allegation levelled by the MoRTH officials is true, the authorities should arrest the individuals who carried out forcible donations. The MoRTH also should cooperate with the local authorities and provide relevant information in this regard. Apart from it, the state government should take the initiative to shift back the regional office from Tezpur to Itanagar at the earliest. The government should provide security and all necessary support. Further, the local people also need to introspect. Everyone should make an effort to create a congenial atmosphere for businesses and other offices to function without any fear. This episode has brought shame to the entire state and it is the duty of every citizen to make amends by welcoming back the MoRTH to Itanagar with open hearts.