Expedite viva voce test for SI telecom


I am writing to bring attention to a matter of great importance concerning the candidates who have applied for the sub-inspector (SI) telecom position.

The timeline of recruitment process for SI telecom commenced with the advertisement published on 8 February, 2021. Subsequently, the physical efficiency test was successfully conducted on 25 and 26 May, 2022, followed by the mains written exam on 17 and 18 August, 2022.

After rigorous evaluation, the results were declared on 31 August, 2022, with 39 candidates qualifying for the medical test and the viva voce test which was scheduled for 22 and 27 September, 2022.

Following the medical test, conducted at TRIHMS hospital, the candidates were eagerly anticipating their viva voce test.

Regrettably, the smooth progression of the recruitment process was abruptly halted due to the unfortunate incident of paper leakage, which led to the paralysis of the commission’s operations. This unexpected turn of events caused significant distress and uncertainty among the qualified candidates who were eagerly awaiting their viva voce test.

After a period of turmoil and concerted efforts, I am pleased to note that the necessary measures have been taken, and the chairman and members of the commission are now fully functional.

Therefore, I strongly urge the authorities concerned to expedite the process and conduct the viva voce test for SI telecom exam without further delay.

These candidates, having diligently proceeded through the earlier stages, deserve the opportunity to conclude the process without undue delay. Moreover, a timely resolution will not only restore confidence in the commission’s integrity but also uphold the principles of fairness and transparency.
