Transferring teachers as political vendetta not acceptable

The Upper Subansiri Galo Students’ Union on Thursday alleged that mass transfer and posting of teachers from the district, particularly from Dumporijo circle, is taking place. The union alleged that politically motivated transfers are taking place. This problem is not confined to Upper Subansiri alone. Such kind of politically motivated transfers are taking place across the state. The MLAs who won the election are now acting in a vindictive manner and harassing the supporters of the candidates who lost the election. Such action does not augur well for a democratic society.

Transfers and postings should be done following the norms. It is obvious that the winning MLAs would prefer to work with the officers with whom they feel comfortable. They have the right to choose officers of their choice to execute their programmes and policies on the ground. However, carrying out large-scale transfer and posting of government officials only because of political difference is extremely dangerous. It will only further divide the society and alienate large sections of society. Whoever has won the election should rise above petty politics and work for the upliftment of everyone. After election is over, the elected leaders should forget the past and work for overall development. Politics ends the moment election ends.