Water treatment plant needed in Kamba

I am writing to highlight the severe water problem that my area, Kamba (W/Siang), is facing. We are struggling to get access to clean and safe drinking water. The problem has worsened in the past few months, and the authorities seem to be turning a blind eye to it.
The scarcity of water has led to a lot of inconvenience for the residents. We have to wait for hours to get a limited supply of water, and the quality of the water is also questionable. The situation is worse for those who are living in the hostel and rented houses where water supply is almost non-existent. The lack of water has also led to an increase in water-borne diseases, and the health of the residents is getting affected.

The governments needs to take immediate action and build at least one water treatment plant in Kamba and increase the supply of water to the affected areas because in the rainy season the water gets more dirty and because of that the water is not suitable for drinking.
I urge the authorities concerned to take this matter seriously and ensure that the residents of my area get access to safe and clean drinking water. It is the basic right of every citizen, and we should not have to struggle for it.
Minam Gao,
DPGC, Kamki