Develop TRIHMS as a world-class hospital

It is unfortunate to know that the state’s lone medical college, Tomo Riba Institute of Health & Medical Science (TRIHMS), is functioning without a regular director since the tenure of the present director, Dr Moji Jini, ended this year on 31 August. Even though Health Commissioner Pawan K Sain announced that a new director will be appointed soon, a premier medical college running without a regular director raises serious question marks. The state government should appoint a new director at the earliest. The TRIHMS is the prestige of the state and all efforts should be made to further improve it.

The government should also review the infrastructure of the TRIHMS. Many of the buildings remain incomplete. Also, recently a video went viral, showing the bathroom ceiling falling, which raises questions about the quality of work. Also, patients often complain that due to the lack of proper functioning of equipment in the TRIHMS, they are forced to go to private clinics, which costs them heavily. The state government has invested considerable money in the TRIHMS, hoping to improve the quality of healthcare in the state. Every penny should be properly used, so that people get benefits. The majority of Arunachalis depend on the TRIHMS for medical treatment. Not everyone can afford to go outside the state for treatment. Therefore, the state government should take every step to develop it as a world-class hospital.