The Centre has granted yet another extension to the Commission of Inquiry, headed by former chief justice of the Gauhati High Court, Ajai Lamba, to submit its report on the investigations into the series of violent incidents in Manipur. Set up in June 2023, a month after the civil war began, the commission will now submit its report by 25 May, 2025. Remarkably, the three-member commission was initially supposed to submit its report to the central government “as soon as possible, but not later than six months from the date of its first sitting,” according to the notification issued on 4 June, 2023. The latest notification states, “The commission shall submit its report to the central government as soon as possible, but not later than May 20, 2025.”
According to the terms of reference of the Commission of Inquiry, it will investigate the sequence of events leading to the violence, along with all the relevant facts. The panel will also determine whether there were any lapses or dereliction of duty on the part of responsible authorities or individuals, and assess the adequacy of the administrative measures taken to prevent and address the violence and riots.
The civil war is still ongoing, with the Modi government refusing to hold its own party accountable for the violence. The cycle of violence is spreading to new areas like Jiribam, which had previously remained unaffected. The violence, which was triggered by a ‘Tribal Solidarity March’ organised in the hill districts to protest the Meitei community’s demand for scheduled tribe status, has claimed more than 250 lives, with thousands continuing to stay in relief camps. The hatred, killings, and mistrust between the Kuki-Zo communities and the Meiteis have only intensified, with the Centre unable to do anything other than deploy more security forces, which has not resulted in any positive change.
The report is crucial and should not be delayed any further. If conducted thoroughly, without fear or favour, it could hold the responsible individuals accountable, paving the way for prosecution. Therefore, it is essential that a detailed and honest report is prepared. However, two years is a long time to investigate what happened and what was not done to prevent the civil war. Accountability is essential, as is punishment.