Realistic climate action needed

Not everything is well with Earth, and alarming climate data are a call for action. Rich or poor, everyone will be affected by climate change.

The UN Convention to Combat Desertification has concluded in an alarming report that over 77 percent of Earth’s land experienced drier conditions during the three decades leading up to 2020, compared to the previous 30-year period. During the same time, global drylands expanded, covering more than 40 percent of Earth’s land.

The report warns that if efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions fail, another 3% of the world’s humid areas are projected to transform into drylands by the end of this century. South Sudan and Tanzania have the largest percentage of land transitioning to drylands, while China is experiencing the largest total area shifting from non-drylands to drylands.

Countries have often indulged in a blame game when it comes to commitments and actions on climate change. The driving force behind decisions on climate change has often been dictated by economic impacts, which remain a significant stumbling block. A realistic and forward-looking climate policy is urgently needed, given how quickly climate change is directly impacting billions around the world. Curbing greenhouse gas emissions should be at the centre and sole focus.