Amidst the Sea of Faces (POEM)

By Mige Kambu

Ph.D Scholar, Dept of Political Science, RGU

Wanders my mind through the city’s busy street
Seeking solace in the crowded meet
A million strange faces, carrying its own tale,
I search for comfort, in their soothing gale.
Only noise and ruffle in them I find
Face full of pride, proves they’re unkind
The faces blur, a kaleidoscope spin,
Leaving me in thoughts to perfectly win.

I try to find a gentle caring hand,
A listening ear, in this ungrateful land.
But every voice, a distant hum,
Fades into silence, when I’ve come.
Then, in the stillness, I begin to see,
Solace wasn’t out there, but in me.
A refuge from life’s turbulent tide,
A space within for peace to reside.

I close my eyes and breathe in the air,
And find the calm I’d sought elsewhere.
My heart, a sanctuary, pure and true,
A place where peace and love shine through.
In this stillness, I am free,
Away from the crowd I feel pure glee
The crowd’s din fades, as I descend,
Into the silence, where love transcend.

For solace was never in the crowd’s embrace
But in the quite depth of my own holy space
I am the heaven I’ve sought to find,
A space where I found my peace of mind.