On March 11, 2024, the Arunachal Pradesh Trade Union Federation (APTUF) launched a phased protest in the state, beginning with a dharna, and followed by a pen-down strike, “mass casual leave,” a 48-hour hunger strike, and a non-cooperation movement, demanding for enhancement of the pay scale and pay grade of all work-charged (WC) employees in various departments of the state.
The protest was suspended in view of the upcoming elections and the promise of the secretary and the commissioner of the labour board. After the elections, the workers’ salary issue has not been resolved. Although all newly recruited WC employees can receive Rs. 2,400 per month, WC staffers in “the Power, Public Health Engineering and Engineering Department” have not received any salary increase, which is unfair.
APTUF has repeatedly raised its opinions with the government, but has not received a response. This is a serious matter and it is determined that there should be no discrimination in WC positions and the salary should be consistent. In addition, a casual worker who has worked for 15 years and works diligently in his position but receives low wages and no welfare benefits is not fair to him and is not conducive to boosting workers’ morale. The state’s welfare benefits should take care of everyone, so that low-income families can fully feel the government’s care and concern, thereby improving overall work efficiency and cohesion.
Tana Likha