Through your esteemed daily, I would like share my opinion regarding the matter of the APPSCCE fiasco of 2022.
Since the day late Gyamar Padang held a press conference on the suspicious conduct of the APPSCCE on 29.08.2022, a lot of chaos followed, resulting in the arrest of various known and unknown APPSC members and cancellation of various exams, including the Mains exam of various engineering service. The rest is known to everyone. All bandh calls, series of meetings that government had with the aspirants – all of it have been circulated either through digital or print media or by social media news channels.
Initially, during the fight against the fiasco, every Arunachali united and equivocally voiced against it, but later, at a point where a deprived section of aspirants started demanding nullifying and reconducting of all the rigged examinations, the united Arunachalis were divided into two group – one group whose kith and kin are in service recruited through the commission’s exam, and the other group, whose opportunity was thrashed by the commission deliberately and could not make it through the competition. This was the point where it became difficult for the government to deliver justice to everyone.
The movement against corruption took an ugly turn and the fierce movement which could have set a strong precedence in the recruitment system died a natural death. Now, three years have passed since late Gyamar Padang’s press briefing and all we can hear is that the CBI is investigating the case, or the case is under investigation.
It seems like after handing over all the problems to the CBI, everyone has got busy in their personal lives, and no one cares what aspirants have gone through or where they are now. Here we must not forget that there were people who toiled their days and night preparing for examination, cleared the Prelims and wrote the Mains as well and what do they get at the end of all struggle and sacrifice? Cancellation of examination as if nothing happened. Now the question is not that the commission has cancelled the conducted examinations, the question is, is it justice for the aspirants who toiled days and nights preparing for the exam? If it is justice, then why did it happen only to them? Why not the entire rigged exams? Some of the cancelled exams were not even proved to be rigged; they were cancelled just because the CoE was the arrested member of the APPSC. If that is the sole reason to cancel an entire examination process from Prelims to Mains, then the exams which were conducted at non-designated exam centres or the exams whose papers were sold and leaked before the examination make a strong ground for cancellation.
I believe the commission must understand that there must be a uniform rule for all. Precedence needs to be set, which can be kept for future references; otherwise continuing with such vague decision by the commission shows a doubtful rule which seems like the commission is still not clean.
A deprived aspirant