Roadside pathshalas launched

ITANAGAR, 18 Mar: The capital police in collaboration with Hamara Arunachal Abhiyan has launched ‘roadside pathshalas (roadside classrooms)’ to create awareness about traffic rules and regulations, cost of road accidents, and public behaviour towards traffic signs and symbols.

The campaign was launched in a simple ceremony in the presence of IPS (IGP-LO) Chukhu Apa, Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) DC Komkar Dulom, and a team of police officers and personnel led by ICR SP Jimmy Chiram, on 15 March.

The campaign aims to raise awareness among the public, including violators, by setting up makeshift classrooms on the roadside.

The participants are also provided with pamphlets mentioning various violations/offences under the MV Act and their penalties, besides safety measures and traffic signs and symbols.

Several violators were asked to take a pledge to abide by the traffic rules and regulations, and then allowed to go without being challaned.

The SP informed that this is being done to make the public aware of the traffic rules and regulations. He said the campaign would continue “till a perceptible change in the behaviour of the public towards traffic rules/regulations and traffic safety is observed.”

The SP informed that on day one itself, the classroom near a city hotel here witnessed a total of 300 participants. On day two, ie, 16 March, a class was held near Hibro Motors in Itanagar, which around 300 participants attended. Days three and four witnessed participation of around 200 people each.

Along with the awareness campaign, various traffic rules and regulations, including the MV Act, is being enforced. A total of 139 violators were challaned on 18 March and an amount of Rs 33,400 was realized as penalties, informed the SP. (DIPRO)