Power tillers distributed

CHANGLANG, 8 Jun: The agriculture department distributed power tillers to progressive farmers of Changlang under the SMAM scheme and the MLALAD fund here on Tuesday.

Out of the seven tillers distributed, two were under the SMAM scheme and the remaining tillers were sponsored by Deputy Speaker and local MLA Tesam Pongte from his MLALAD fund.

Speaking during the programme, Deputy Commissioner Dr Devansh Yadav advised the farmers to “opt for smart farming and do proper assessment of input and output costs before venturing into farming.”

The DC also said that the beneficiaries should provide ‘before and after’ feedback on the performance of the machines to the agriculture department, “so that the government can do its bit to make changes in the scheme according to the need of the area concerned.”

ZPM Mengpa Haisa advised the beneficiaries to take good care of the machines and make good use of them.

Pongte congratulated the beneficiaries and thanked the Changlang district agriculture department for arranging the programme.

“We’ve been distributing tools and machineries silently for years. But to encourage and promote progressive farmers, such programme is needed. The primitive way of using buffaloes/cattle is unconventional and brings more hardship to the farmers. These power tillers will make the farmers’ lives easier,” he said.

He also suggested to the beneficiaries to lend their power tillers to other farmers in their villages. (DIPRO)