Scientists’ view should prevail

The decision to increase the gap between two doses of the Covishield vaccine has run into controversy. As per a report published by Reuters, three scientists of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) claimed that they had submitted recommendations of eight to 12 weeks in between two doses, and that 12 to 16 weeks is something the government has come out with. Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan tweeted on Wednesday, saying the decision was “transparent” and “based on scientific data.”

The opposition parties have latched onto the controversy and have sought answers from the government in this regard. The controversy surrounding Covid vaccination has come at the wrong time. This heated debate, including scientific and political, has the potential to hurt the efforts in the battle against Covid-19. Already there is so much misinformation about the vaccine, due to which a large section of citizens is reluctant to take the vaccine.

This newest controversy over the gap between two doses of the Covishield vaccine will definitely provide an opportunity to the anti-vaccine gang to create confusion in the minds of the people. It can derail the vaccination process. The government of India needs to be more transparent in its approach. The view of scientists should prevail and the government should pass on the message to the people. This is the only way to win the confidence of the people. With a third wave expected to hit the country in the next four months, the vaccination process should be sped up across the country. The only way to effectively prevent the third wave is by vaccinating the citizens.