NAMSAI, 18 Jun: The Namsai KVK on Friday distributed fodder slips (hybrid napier, guinea and congosignal) as perennial fodder, and seeds (maize) as seasonal fodder to the dairy farmers of Namsai district under the Namsai ATMA.
Recently, a good number of high-yielding breed/cross-bred cattle were distributed to the dairy farmers of Namsai district under various state-sponsored schemes. To maintain the milk production, it is important to provide balanced nutrients to the animals and hence the Namsai KVK developed the fodders.
The perennial fodder, once it is planted, can be harvested 4-5 times in a year and can maintain its productivity upto five years. To store excess quantity of green fodder produced during the rainy season, the KVK also introduced a new technology, silage-making, to save fodder for the animals for times of scarcity.