Two houses reduced to ashes

RAGA, 5 Nov: Two OBT Type houses were reduced to ashes in a fire accident that broke out in Veterinary Colony here in Kamle district in the wee hours of 4 November.

The houses belonged to residents Rusa Baja and Talom Dakpe.

The fire was so fierce that none of the affected families could salvage any of their belongings.

The cause of the fire is yet to be ascertained.

Expressing shock over the incident, local MLA Tarin Dakpe announced Rs 2 lakhs for each of the affected families as immediate relief. The district administration, through Gepen CO (in-charge) Gedam Don, provided relief materials to the affected families.

In a goodwill gesture, upon hearing about the fire accident, Daporijo (Upper Subansiri) MLA Taniya Soki, accompanied by the Upper Subansiri DC and SP, visited the accident site and distributed cash relief to the affected families. (DIPRO)