APSCW conducts legal awareness prog at Pangin

PANGIN, 19 Oct: The Arunachal Pradesh State Commission for Women (APSCW) in association with Adi Bane Ane Kebang (ABAK), Siang district administration, Siang District Legal Services Authority, and Siang DDSE, has organized a legal awareness programme-cum-counselling on ‘drug menace, health and hygiene, free and competent legal services, marriage registration and various other women related laws’ here  in Siang district on Wednesday.

During the  programme, APSCW  chairman Kenjum Pakam urged the participants to utilize the institutional mechanisms for women such as Sakhi – One Stop Centre, Women Helpline, Mahila police station, State Commission for Women, Legal Aid Services etc.

Expressing concern over the drug menace, she urged senior citizens, intellectuals and women’s organisations to “work on a mission mode to safeguard the youths from drug menace.”

The chairperson also requested the parents to monitor their children’s activities.

Adi Bane Ane Kebang (ABAK) president Onam Darang Pertin informed the participants about the new Arunachal Pradesh ST certificate issuance guidelines, 2022 and the role of the CBOs in the newly constituted ‘Recommending Committee.’  She also advised the students to “be responsible in what you are thinking, speaking and doing.”

APSCW member-secretary Sangeeta Yirang spoke on the ‘role and functions of APSCW and urged parents to guide their children in the right path. Yirang advised the womenfolk to endeavour to become economically empowered.

Pangin CO Niyang Pertin urged the students present to ’embrace failure as their biggest teacher and to prioritise their education and values whilst embracing new opportunities to mould a well-rounded personality.’

Dr. Tonu Taki made a presentation on ‘health and hygiene.’

Juvenile counsellor Duman Moyong spoke on ‘Drug Menace’ and advocate Denzing Sonowal gave awareness on various women-related legislations.

Over 600 people including students, government departments, women’s groups, CBOs, PRI members, Gaon Buras and SHGs attended the programme. (DIPRO)