Meet held for upcoming mock exercise on earthquake scenarios

ITANAGAR, 14 Nov: Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) ADC Jiken Bomjen on Monday convened a meeting in connection with the ‘multi-state level mega mock exercise on earthquake scenarios’, which will be held at certain locations of Itanagar on 17 November.

The exercise will be carried out by the ICR district administration to check on the preparedness level of the district in tackling disaster, and to build the capacity of the district in disaster management as the state lies in Seismic Zone V of the Richter scale.

DDMO Moromi Dodum Sonam informed that the locations in Itanagar, like Gelam Memorial High School, Chandranagar, Residential Complex, Police Colony, the higher & technical education directorate, ESS Sector, RK Mission Hospital, and KK departmental store, Vivek Vihar have been identified for conducting the mock exercise on earthquake scenario.

The DDMO requested the public to not panic “as this is only an earthquake drill,” and appealed to the public to participate by practicing “drop-cover-hold” in their respective places.

ICR DC Talo Potom appealed to the residents to “cooperate with the DDMA and bear with the inconveniences caused for a brief period and help in making the exercise a success.”

RKMH secretary Swami Kripakarananda and EAC Datum Gadi also spoke. (DIPRO)