Garbage trucks are a nuisance


I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing issue that has been causing significant distress within the local community: the noise pollution generated by certain garbage trucks playing loud music early in the morning. While the management of waste is undoubtedly essential, the unnecessary loud decibels played by these trucks have become a significant source of disturbance and infringe upon our fundamental right to live in a peaceful and noise-free environment. I believe it is crucial that we address this problem within the legal framework governing noise pollution.

I would like to emphasize that the excessive noise caused by these garbage trucks, especially, in the early hours, is a source of immense disturbance to the residents in the community. Such noise pollution impacts our quality of life, causing sleep disruption and overall discomfort, which can lead to mental health issues later. It is important to remember that a peaceful living environment is a fundamental right that we all deserve and should not be compromised.

The garbage trucks play this annoying and irritating sound on a repeat loop in full blaze, starting very early in the morning and continuing throughout the day. Garbage trucks and waste management systems that come under the purview of the Collector’s office have been causing disturbance to the peace and tranquility in the morning hours. They play music around 6 am, a time when hard-working denizens, students studying late at night, and those practicing meditation are still sleeping, along with individuals with mental and physical health issues who need proper rest. The garbage trucks are blatantly causing noise pollution, thereby tormenting residents.

As a suggestion, the solution to this issue is for them to stop using loudspeakers and instead allow workers to use whistles, which are more tolerable. It is imperative that local authorities, in conjunction with the waste management authority responsible for these trucks, enforce existing noise control laws and take measures to ensure the peaceful coexistence of residents in the community. I respectfully request that local law enforcement agencies and authorities take immediate action to address this issue and work with the responsible parties to rectify the situation. A peaceful living environment should not be compromised by such avoidable disturbances.

A disturbed citizen