MEDP on mushroom cultivation

HAYULIANG, 20 Nov: Thirty members of various self-help groups (SHG) are participating in a micro enterprise development programme (MEDP) on mushroom cultivation, which began here in Anjaw district on Monday.

Sponsored by the NABARD, the training programme is being conducted by Sri Sri Rural Development Programme Trust (SSRDPT), in collaboration with the Arunachal State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ArSRLM). It aims to equip the participants with skills and knowledge of cultivating mushrooms, post-harvest management, and different packaging methods.

“Hayuliang is covered under the Vibrant Villages Programme – a government initiative dedicated to fostering the growth and development of rural communities, and stands as a testament to the government’s commitment to enhancing the quality of life in rural areas through improved healthcare, education, and economic opportunities,” the NABARD informed in a release.

Addressing the inaugural session, NABARD District Development Manager Kamal Roy underscored the bank’s “unwavering commitment to empowering SHG members through skill development and competence-building, enabling them to launch micro-enterprises with the support of bank credit,” he said, and highlighted the diverse programmes designed for the benefit of SHGs and farmers.

ArSRLM CC Bisaiso Kri encouraged the participants to “embrace the entrepreneurial spirit,” and emphasised “the significance of skill training in elevating the socioeconomic status of rural communities, particularly women entrepreneurs.”

SSRDPT district coordinator Bhusan Rai spoke on limited availability of government jobs, and urged SHGs to “acquire skills aligned with your qualifications to transform into entrepreneurs, thereby securing livelihoods and contributing to the nation’s progress.”

SSRDPT project manager Radha Shaw also spoke.