One arrested for raping minor girl

PASIGHAT, 14 Mar: The police here in East Siang district have arrested a Flipkart delivery boy, identified as Sunny Jerang (34), for raping a minor girl in Oyan market, and impregnating her.

SP Dr SK Singhal informed that the police received a written complaint on 12 March regarding the incident.

“On receipt of the complaint, a case [u/s Section 376 (2) (n) (3) IPC, r/w Section 6 of the POSCO Act] was registered by the Pasighat women police station,” Singhal informed.

The SP constituted a team, comprising SI Yike Lomri and Constables Rina (ASI), K Mingki (driver), Tennyok Ruttum, M Taying and Otil Pertin, and, “with help of intelligence gathered and a brief chase using human and technical assistance, the police team nabbed the alleged accused within three hours of registration of the case,” he said.

Further investigation is being carried out by the Sille-Oyan police, under the SP’s supervision. (DIPRO)