Election trg concludes in W/Siang

AALO/LIKABALI, 15 Apr: The fifth and final training for all the presiding officers and polling functionaries of West Siang district concluded at headquarters Aalo on Monday.

With this, the district is all set for the simultaneous elections to be held on 19 April. The training was imparted by nodal officer Jumdo Jini and his team.

Meanwhile, District Magistrate (DM) Mamu Hagehas enforced Section 144 CrPC from Monday till the completion of the election process, banning gathering of more than four persons from 8 pm to 6 am in the entire district. The DM has also banned carrying of lethal weapons, such as daos, arms, airguns, etc, during the period.

In Lower Siang district, the fourth and final phase of the training programme for polling and presiding officers for the simultaneous elections commenced in Likabali on Sunday.

The training sessions are being held in three batches,with the last batch ending on 16 April.

Training coordinator and EAC (Election) Janes Mary Tayeng, while presenting an overview of the course contents, asked the trainees to abide by the guidelines of the Election Commission of India “and not vitiate the standing orders and practices.”

ADC-cum-Returning Officer for Likabali assembly constituency Mokar Riba and the ADC-cum-Returning Officer for Nari-Koyu assembly constituency Ainstein Koyu advised the trainees to master the responsibilities they have been entrusted with.

Master trainers Tumkar Ete, Igo Tao and Dakken Riba handled the hands-on training session on EVMsand VVPATs.

Earlier, addressing the trainees, DEO Rujjum Rakshap expressed hope that the training would clear all their doubts. (DIPROs)