BALIJAN, 2 May: Balijan ADC Takar Rava on Thursday inaugurated the collection centre of the Farmer-Producer Company (FPC) Ltd here in Papum Pare district, and handed over a new tractor to members of the company’s board of directors.
The vehicle has been provided by the agriculture department under Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCD-NER) Phase-III.
The ADC advised the members of the FPC to “properly utilise the assets provided by the government and implement the innovative MOVCD scheme for the benefit of the farmers.”
Similarly, Yupia Agriculture Officer Maze Piel inaugurated the office of the Balijan Tarasso FPC in Lower Balijan and handed over a new pickup truck to the members of the company’s board of directors.
He advised them to “maintain proper record of all vehicle hiring and accounts.”
The MOVCD Phase-III was sanctioned during 2020-21,covering 500 hectares of area for organic certification of ginger in Balijan and Tarasso circles. About 343 farmers are listed in the scheme and registered under the Company Act, the Yupia DAO informed in a release.