The role of the Election Commission of India (ECI) is once again under the scanner. The opposition parties recently questioned the ECI over delays in announcing the final voter turnout figures for the first two phases of the Lok Sabha polls, after the first round of polling on 19 April. Even more than 10 days after the first phase of the polls and days after the second phase, the final voter turnout has not been published by the ECI. In the past, the ECI used to publish the final voter turnout immediately after voting or within 24 hours.
Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh has said that it is essential for the ECI to be timely and transparent about all election-related data, and it should come out with the figures and make them public. The concern raised by opposition parties has merit. Also, the ruling BJP, led by none other than Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has been making communally charged statements during rallies. Mr Modi has used terms like ‘vote jihad’, targeting the minority Muslim community. Unfortunately, the ECI has not taken any action against leaders giving communally charged statements. PM Modi has repeatedly targeted Muslims during his rallies, but the ECU is maintaining a stoic silence. The credibility of the ECI is at stake now. Everyone is watching how it behaves during this election. So far, sadly, it has failed to win the confidence of the people of India.