ICR DC urges all depts to prepare for monsoon season

ITANAGAR, 25 Jun: Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) Deputy Commissioner Shweta Nagarkoti Mehta has urged all government departments to “work in a coordinated manner and be prepared with necessary human resource, machinery and other essentials for the monsoon season.”

Addressing a review meeting on the preparedness for the southwest monsoon at her office here on Tuesday, the DC directed the works departments to keep their human resources and machineries ready.

She asked the WRD EE to monitor water levels constantly in all vulnerable rivers in the district, and asked the electrical department EE to “implement preventive measures to safeguard power installations and ensure electricity supply to relief camps and shelters.”

The DC further instructed all line departments to conduct regular checking of buildings and other structures “that may cause disasters.”

She asked the town planner and the DLRSO to “detect vulnerabilities in areas proposed for LPC or allotment.”

The DFCSO informed that “sufficient stock of rice is available and LPG supply is not being disrupted for a single day.”

The DMO said that “five groups of rapid response teams are prepared in case of any disaster in the entire capital region,” adding that “there are adequate stocking, placement, and management of medicines.”

The PWD CD A EE, the CD B (Naharlagun) EE, and the highways and the RWD EEs were instructed to ensure desilting and cleaning of all choked drains. The DFO and the IMC were directed to carry out pruning and felling of trees in all vulnerable sites that may pose a threat to human life.

DDMO Moromi Dodum Sonam said that “all stakeholders have been previously briefed by the DC on their roles and responsibilities.”

Referring to the recent flooding due to heavy rainfall,she urged all the departments to “submit an updated contingency list of labourers and machineriesavailable with your respective departments as soon as possible.” (DIPRO)