Dept urged to provide funds for schools’ renovation

DOIMUKH, 5 Jul: Lamenting the pathetic condition of various schools in Doimukh circle, local MLA Nabam Vivek on Thursday requested the department  to provide funds for the renovation of the school buildings.

Stating that establishing a proper education system in his constituency is his top priority, Vivek said that “educating the youths is important, as they represent the future of the society in particular and the state as a whole.”

“Quality education can be achieved or imparted only by creating a learning environment for the kids, including proper machinery for the teaching staff,” he added.

He visited government secondary school Mani, government primary school (GPS) Midpu-2, and GPS Midpu-1, and found that several sections of the schools are in dire need of repair and renovation.

 “I have instructed the department to do renovations, electrical wiring and toilets,” said Vivek.

The schools have been running without proper facilities for many years, and this needs to be taken care of at the earliest, Vivek added, and assured to provide assistance especially, to government schools, “so that the students can excel in every academic session.”